Sunday, January 9, 2011


Even though I've made omelets before, I actually read the recipe this time. Also, after buying some frozen spinach at the store today, I figured I could put it to use.

I used 4 eggs and some soy milk and a little salt and pepper. I popped the toast in, but then kind of forgot that the spinach was still frozen. Following the recipe, I put about 2 tbsp of butter in the pan and heated it up. Threw the eggs in and started pulling the sides in to let the liquid eggs get to the edge so they could cook. Eventually, that became pretty hard. Then I remembered about the spinach and threw a handful in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then the toast popped. Too many things happening!

Threw some cheese on there and the spinach, then folded over one side and another. Amazingly, it wasn't burnt. Slid the thing off and put some more cheese on top. Buttered the toast, threw a little salsa on and voilĂ .

Considering my cooking goals are so minimal as to not really be goals, this was quick, easy, relatively healthy (butter and salt), and yummy. I am now full. And I forgot to take any pictures. Next time.


  1. PICTURES!! I made an omelet about the same time, Get Out of My Head!

  2. I propose merely very good along with reputable data, consequently visualize it: electric omelet maker
